Books for Beginning Readers - Navajo Language Primary Readers - PR-10

$50.00 USD

 Young readers will be enchanted with the large, colorful illustrations in these early readers. The simple text presents repititious vocabulary while introducing new words, to help young readers master their first Navajo reading experience. Titles include, Naalye Saad (Giving Verbs), K'e doo Na'ashch'aa' (Colors and Kin), Nili (You are - occupations), Dashijini (I am called), 'Oolkiligii (Telling time), 'At'e (It is), Yiiya (To fear), and Tlizi Yazhi Daolta'go Baa Hane' (The Story of Counting Baby Goats). The newest edition is Ats'iis Baa Hane' (The Story of Anatomy). Each book has 14 pages and is printed on quality paper. The text is written by Marlena Shepard, Ed.D and illustrated by artist, Molly Trainor. Clayton Long is the language editor.


Books can be purchased individually for $5.00 each or as a set of 10 for $50.00.